Pinguin Tramp sleeping bag for summer tramping. Reliably insulates to +7 °C and weighs less than a kilo.
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116 products
Set for washing and drying clothes and equipment with down insulation. Detergent, volume 300 ml. Three pieces of rubber dryer balls.
Down sleeping bag with a temperature limit of -4 °C. Weight 728 g, for body size up to 185 cm. Hydrophobic goose down, two covers, recycled materials.
Three-season down sleeping bag for up to 185 cm with a temperature limit of -7 °C. Weight 775 g. Hydrophobic goose down, two covers, recycled materials.
Women's three-season down sleeping bag with a temperature limit of -12 °C. Weight 950 g, for body height up to 170 cm. Hydrophobic down, two covers, recycled materials.
Spacious and comfortable self-inflating car mattress Pinguin Nomad 38 NX with dimensions 194 x 64 x 3,8 cm. Weight 1100 g. Insulation - one layer of horizontal cavities.
Women's three-season down sleeping bag with a temperature limit of -7 °C. Weight 765 g, for a height up to 170 cm. Hydrophobic down, two covers, recycled materials.
Inflatable travel pillow Pinguin Pillow. Dimensions 37,5 x 27 x 8,5 cm, weight 85 g.
The Merino wool and polyester sleeping bag liner acts as a moisture absorber and additional thermal insulator.
Durable compression sleeping bag cover with waterproof treatment. Size M, dimensions 19 x 30 cm.
Breathable Solitaire storage pack for storing sleeping bags and bulky clothes.
Durable inflatable mattress with internal insulation. Regular size: 183 x 51 x 9 cm, weight 680g. Inflatable cover included.
The Pinguin Fold foam mattress is a foldable foam mattress with a weight of 340 g. Dimensions 185 x 55 x 1.5 cm.
Sleeping bag liner with down filling. Keeps your cold feet warm. Weighs only 100 grams.
Winter down sleeping bag with a temperature limit of -15 °C. Weight 1142 g, for body size up to 185 cm. Hydrophobic goose down, two covers, recycled materials.
Summer down sleeping bag with a temperature limit of -1 °C. Weight 579 g, for body size up to 185 cm. Hydrophobic goose down, two covers, recycled materials.
Extended down sleeping bag with a temperature limit of -4 °C. Weight 790 g, for body height up to 200 cm. Hydrophobic goose down, two covers, recycled materials.
Three-season down sleeping bag with a temperature limit of -9 °C. Weight 1005 g, for body size up to 200 cm. Hydrophobic goose down, two covers, recycled materials.
Three-season down sleeping bag with a temperature limit of -5 °C. Weight 840 g, for body size up to 185 cm. Hydrophobic duck down 650 cuin, two covers, recycled material.
Three-season down sleeping bag with a temperature limit of -9 °C. Weight 915 g, for body size up to 185 cm. Hydrophobic goose down, two covers, recycled materials.
Pinguin Wave XL double layer inflatable car mattress with dimensions 195 x 70 x 9 cm. Weight 1150 g. Without thermal insulation.
Pinguin Wave L double layer inflatable car mattress with dimensions 185 x 60 x 7,5 cm. Weight 850 g. Without thermal insulation.
Spacious and comfortable self-inflating car mattress Pinguin Nomad 75 NX with dimensions 200 x 63 x 7,5 cm. Weight 2670 g. Insulation - two layers of horizontal cavities.
Spacious and comfortable self-inflating car mattress Pinguin Nomad 50 NX with dimensions 198 x 63 x 5 cm. Weight 1270 g. Insulation - two layers of horizontal cavities.
Pinguin Blizzard summer sleeping bag. Width 85 cm. Comfortable temperature -1 °C. Ideal for cottage and camping.
Extra wide version of the Pinguin Blizzard Wide summer sleeping bag. Width 100 cm. Comfortable temperature -1 °C.
Feather detergent. Volume 300 ml.
Pinguin Matrix 38 NX is a self-inflating car mattress with dimensions 198 x 62 x 3.8 cm. Weight 960 g. Insulation - two layers of horizontal cavities.
Pinguin Matrix 25 NX is a self-inflating car mattress with dimensions 193 x 63 x 2.5 cm. Weight 835 g. Insulation - one layer of horizontal cavities.
Inflatable air mattress with BHB Micro insulation and integrated pump. Dimensions 195 x 65 x 9 cm.