Large family tent for 6 people. Bedrooms are divided for 2 and 4 people. Ideal for camping or as a base camp for camping.
Equipment for cross-country, for walkers and sportsmen.

7 products
Inflatable family tent for six people with separate bedrooms and a large hallway. It has two entrances and weighs 19.9 Kg.
Spacious inflatable tent with two separate bedrooms and a large vestibule for four to five people. It has two entrances and weighs 14.5 Kg.
Family hiking tent for 5 persons with duralumin poles. It has two entrances and weighs 10,5 Kg. Easily erected.
Family hiking tent for 5 persons with laminate poles. It has two entrances and weighs 12,3 Kg. Easily erected.
Spacious family tent with steel poles for six people. It has two entrances, separate bedrooms and a large vestibule, weighs 23.3 Kg.
Spacious family tent with laminate poles for six people. It has two entrances, separate bedrooms and a large vestibule, weighs 17.3 Kg.