Comfortable Singing Rock Sit Worker 3D speed steel work positioning harness with wide waist belt / SPEED buckles / steel metal elements.
Equipment for cross-country, for walkers and sportsmen.

9 products
Singing Rock Evacuation Triangle Combi II with shoulder straps / UNI / EN 1497 - EN 1498
Evacuation Triangle Sit II / UNI / EN 1498
Fully adjustable Singing Rock Technic standard harness for fall arrest and positioning / padded waist and legs / easy-lock buckles / S, M/L, XL / EN 358 - EN 361 - EN 813
Lightweight, flexible full-body harness for working on sloping surfaces and roofs / 2 sizes / EN 358 - EN 813 - EN 361
Comfortable Singing Rock Sit Worker 3D speed work positioning harness with wide waist belt / SPEED buckle / S, M/L, XL /
Comfortable Singing Rock Sit Worker 3D standard work positioning harness with wide waist belt / easy-lock buckles / S, M/L, XL /
Fully adjustable Singing Rock Technic speed steel harness for fall catching and positioning / padded waist and legs / SPEED buckles / metal elements in steel / S, M/L, XL / EN 358 - EN 361 - EN 813
Singing Rock Urban II harness for light work in all terrain and work positioning / 850 g (M/L) / S, M/L, XL / EN 358 - EN 813