Comfortable short-sleeved shirt that protects, wicks moisture quickly and is lightweight. Ideal for running and fast hiking.
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T-shirt short sleeve
2 products
750 Kč980 KčRegular price-24 %Price
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750 Kč980 KčRegular price-23.5% offPrice
T-shirt short sleeve
Comfortable short-sleeved shirt that protects, wicks moisture quickly and is lightweight. Ideal for running and fast hiking.
Soft to the touch and naturally antibacterial, the Syncrino Base Tee is the ideal first layer for all mountain activities.
1,512 Kč1,680 KčRegular price-10 %Price
In stock in the shop
1,512 Kč1,680 KčRegular price-10% offPrice
T-shirt short sleeve
Soft to the touch and naturally antibacterial, the Syncrino Base Tee is the ideal first layer for all mountain activities.