All-leather Asolo Alta Via insulated mountaineering boots for heavy alpine hiking and climbing. Waterproof Gore-Tex® membrane.
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The ideal shoe for climbing peaks and challenging and unstable terrain with a heavy pack on your back. The hiking boots are equipped with a solid sole, waterproof membrane (such as Goretex), minimal seams, some reliable pulley lacing and a high quality rubber cast that protects the toe of the boot from sharp rocks. You can choose between full leather alpine boots and a combination of leather and synthetic materials.
4 products
Sturdy Perwanger leather hiking boots designed for alpine ascents, via ferratas and mountain backpacking. They have a rigid sole to fit semi-automatic crampons.
Technical boots for ice climbing, high mountain ascents, and hard conditions where you're fighting frost.
Sturdy Perwanger leather hiking boots designed for alpine ascents, via ferratas and mountain backpacking. They have a rigid sole to fit semi-automatic crampons.