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You've had a long day. You've hiked two saddles, climbed hundreds of vertical metres and the last thing you want to do in a mountain hut is shove your tired feet back into the wet liners of your ski boots. Nah, get comfortable.
Warm Rab slippers don't weigh that much, they don't take up space in your pack, but they'll do you a huge favour. And with the grippy silicone print , you won't slip off even when you go out on the patio to see if it's still snowing.
Wondering if the jacket will blow?
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Small and lightweight women's Rab backpack with a volume of 18 l. Weight less than a kilo. Sliding back and sophisticated cut. Perfect for walking, climbing and in the saddle of a bicycle. The cut of the backpack follows the movement of the body.
The Rab Borealis Jacket provides great freedom of movement, wind protection and fantastic breathability.
Bridgedale women's running socks for cooler weather: spring, autumn, mild winter. Height above ankle. Very durable. Suitable for off-road and mountain trails.
Women's trekking socks for year-round mountain expeditions. Narrower construction for women's foot. Successor to the WoolFusion Trekker. Classic height.
Comfortable thin women's sweatshirt with a narrow cut. Thanks to the internal structure, it effectively regulates temperature and quickly wicks away sweat. This lightweight fleece is made from 94% recycled fabric.
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