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Made of high quality stainless steel. The food thermos is made to be as easy to handle as possible. The inside of the thermos is coated with a special thin layer that improves the insulating properties, at the same time acting antibacterial.
To make the most of the thermos' properties, we recommend that before use: - if you want to put hot food in the thermos, heat it with warm water for about 4 minutes before use, then pour out the water and put the food in - do the same for cold drinks or food (pour in cold water / 4 min.)
A great advantage of the thermos is the safety valve. When pressed, it equalizes the pressure inside the thermos, eliminating the risk of scalding by hot steam or accidental "explosion" during transport. The cap also serves as a food bowl.
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Men's trekking socks for year-round mountain expeditions. Successor to the WoolFusion Trekker. Classic height.
Esbit Majoris vacuum thermos. Volume 1 l, stainless steel, double wall lid, second cup.
High quality stainless steel thermos with a capacity of 1 litre with 2 cups and 2 caps.
Practical and well insulated Rab Cirrus Skirt for winter in the countryside and in the city.