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The AKU Bellamont 3 Suede GTX women's shoes have parameters corresponding to the specific female anatomy. They are made from the best materials available using modern technology in AKU's own workshops in Europe.
The Gore-Tex Performance Comfort membrane protects you against water while maintaining breathability. The Vibram Predator outsole grips well even on wet surfaces. The 1.8 mm thick brushed leather protects your foot. The R-EVA midsole is made of partially recycled material. The insole is made of coconut and bamboo.
You get two laces in two colors with the Bellamont shoes so you can fine-tune the details.
These shoes offer 100% traceability of components. The new edition of the Bellamont III is characterised by the use of materials suitable for reducing environmental impact: the lining is made of Gore-Tex laminate with 99% recycled yarns; the Vibram® sole compound is made with more than 90% petroleum-free materials and colours derived from natural pigments; the new R-EVA midsole, made in Italy, contains 20% recycled material.
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Spray impregnation. Volume 200 ml.
Bridgedale women's ultra lightweight running socks. Height above ankle. For warm days on mountain trails and forest paths. They feature great cushioning and brisk moisture wicking. Warm-weather fit.
Breathable, windproof, solid women's pants Rab Torque. The ideal choice for 80% of outdoor activities. Recommended!
Soft to the touch and naturally antibacterial, the women's Syncrino Base Tee is the ideal first layer for mountain activities, but also for everyday use.
The women's versatile Polartec Alpha mid-layer you won't want to miss. Thanks to the full-fibre Polygiene STAY FRESH you can wear it all the time. If you're looking for a primarily functional sweatshirt, the Alpha Flash is the right choice.