Warmpeace Solitaire 500 three-season down sleeping bag for up to 195 cm. Goose down, siliconized cover. Insulation limit to -9 °C.
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Tents, sleeping bags, mattresses, travel cookers, cookware, trekking poles, mosquito nets, flashlights and impregnation - hiking and sports equipment.
429 products
Winter down sleeping bag Warmpeace Solitaire 1000 for up to 195 cm. Premium goose down, siliconized cover. Insulation limit up to -20 °C.
Winter down sleeping bag Warmpeace Solitaire 1 000 for up to 170 cm. 30% more goose down in the leg area. Limit insulation to -20 °C.
Warmpeace Solitaire 500 three-season down sleeping bag for up to 170 cm. Extra goose down filling in the leg area. Insulation limit to -9 °C.
Compact simple hiking headlamp Petzl Tikkina for basic needs. Model 2022. 300 lm output. 5 years warranty, 3x AAA batteries included. Option to buy accessories.
The Pinguin Explorer 60 is a two-compartment backpack designed for demanding treks and mountain crossings. It has four entrances, an excellent back system and is made of advanced materials.
Tritan sports bottle with a wide mouth and a volume of 1 litre.
Lightweight, versatile Rab Aeon backpack with a capacity of 27 l. Weighs less than a kilo. Sliding back and sophisticated cut. Perfect for walking, climbing and in the saddle. The cut of the backpack follows the movement of the body.
The Rab Veil 6 6 litre running vest is designed for the intrepid mountain runner and comes with two 500ml soft bottles (included).
Three-season down sleeping bag Warmpeace Viking 900 for up to 180 cm. High loft and long life. Insulation limit up to -14 °C.
Three-season down sleeping bag Warmpeace Viking 900 for up to 195 cm. High loft and long life. Insulation limit up to -14 °C.
Warmpeace Viking 900 three-season down sleeping bag for up to 170 cm. High loft and long life. Insulation limit up to -14 °C.
Summer down sleeping bag for up to 170 cm. Low weight and small dimensions. Insulation limit up to 0 °C.
Summer down sleeping bag for up to 195 cm. Low weight and small dimensions. Insulation limit up to 0 °C.
Ultralight running vest with a tuned stretch construction, hydrovac pocket and additional zippered storage. Includes two 0.5l water bottles. 12 l capacity.
High quality stainless steel thermos with a capacity of 1 litre with 2 cups and a quality cap.
One-piece Nordic Walking poles Fizan NW Carbon Race, 80% carbon, sharp claw, snap-on strap. One stick weighs 155 g*.
Women's sleeping bag for summer use with a comfortable temperature of -3 °C. Weight 1.55 kg.
Universal self-supporting tent with laminate poles for two or three people. It has one entrance and weighs 3.8 Kg.
Winter down sleeping bag Warmpeace Viking 1200 for up to 195 cm. Extra high loft and long life. Insulation limit up to -18 °C.
Small and lightweight Rab backpack with a capacity of 20 l. Weight 930 g. Sliding back and sophisticated cut. Perfect for walking, climbing and in the saddle. The cut of the backpack follows the movement of the body.
Warmpeace down boots - lightweight solution for changing from trekking or ski boots, also suitable for use in a sleeping bag.
Warmpeace Viking 600 three-season down sleeping bag for up to 195 cm. Low weight and small dimensions. Insulation limit up to -9 °C.
Women's sleeping bag for summer use with a temperature limit of 0 °C. Pinguin Savana Lady ideal for camping and summer trekking.
Children's summer blanket sleeping bag with a temperature limit of -1 °C. It is 70 cm wide, suitable for figures up to 150 cm. Easy to unzip into a blanket.
Lightweight camping utensils for one person, Pinguin Solo set.
Children's summer sleeping bag with hollow fibre filling for figures up to 150 cm. With a comfortable temperature of 0 °C and a weight of under 1 kg, the Pinguin Savana Junior is ideal for camping and summer trekking.
Children's three-season sleeping bag with a -3 °C temperature limit. Pinguin Mistral Junior PFM ideal for camping and summer trekking on cold days.
Pinguin Comfort Lady PFM sleeping bag for women with a temperature limit of -7 °C. Ideal for camping from autumn to spring.
High quality Pinguin Comfort Junior PFM sleeping bag for children. Temperature limit to -7 °C. For height up to 150 cm.