![Rab Filament Neck Tube Rab Filament Neck Tube](https://iqsport.cz/47948-large_default/rab-filament-neck-tube.jpg)
![Rab Filament Neck Tube Rab Filament Neck Tube](https://iqsport.cz/47948-side_product_default/rab-filament-neck-tube.jpg)
![Rab Filament Neck Tube Rab Filament Neck Tube](https://iqsport.cz/47947-side_product_default/rab-filament-neck-tube.jpg)
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A bit different neckband than we are used to in most cases. It is made of structured fleece, which is perfect for warmth, but at the same time perfectly wicks sweat away from the skin.
The base of the neck warmer is made of recycled Thermic™ fleece material, which ensures proper insulation. Breathability and wicking sweat away from the skin is solved by Rab's structure with horizontal stripes on the inside, in which larger and smaller amounts of insulation alternate.
The material thus insulates through the stripes with more fleece and wicks sweat away through the stripes with less.
Reverse side of neck warmer:
This neck warmer will definitely find use for any outdoor activities in cold conditions. Like almost all neckerchiefs, this one is tall enough to be turned into a hat or headband in no time.
The neck warmer can also be complemented with a beanie Rab Filament Beaniewhich is made of the same material and in the same colours.
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Knitted Singing Rock Arrow hat with SINGING ROCK logo / perfect under helmet / black
Very lightweight and warm and breathable cap made of technical, structured Thermic™ fleece. One universal size.
Breathable fleece headband. You can keep it hidden in your pocket and ready to put on when it gets cold.
Reliable trekking poles made in Italy. Length 59 to 132 cm. Weight of one stick only 158 grams.
Durable children's socks. Softness and comfort for young feet. Successor to the WoolFusion Trekker Junior. Classic height.
Comfortable thin women's sweatshirt with a narrow cut. Thanks to the internal structure, it effectively regulates temperature and quickly wicks away sweat. This lightweight fleece is made from 94% recycled fabric.
Women's extra warm and durable socks for cold conditions. Narrower construction for women's feet. Successor to MerinoFusion Summit. Classic height.
Very lightweight and warm and breathable cap made of technical, structured Thermic™ fleece. One universal size.
The sophisticated Rab hip belt with a 4 l capacity and its own 0.5 l bottle. Designed for hiking, Nordic walking and outdoor activities.
Soft to the touch and naturally antibacterial, the Syncrino Base Tee is the ideal first layer for all mountain activities.
Replacement boots for Fizan trekking poles. Boots for summer use on asphalt and pavements. Inside reinforced with metal ring.