![Rab Aeon LT Hydro Rab Aeon LT Hydro](https://iqsport.cz/66528-large_default/rab-aeon-lt-hydro.jpg)
![Rab Aeon LT Hydro Rab Aeon LT Hydro](https://iqsport.cz/66528-side_product_default/rab-aeon-lt-hydro.jpg)
The fastest online shopping for outdoor gear.
For fast-paced adventures where you need minimal gear but maximum hydration, the Aeon LT Hydro is the obvious choice. A 500 ml water bottle is included. The Air Contour™ mesh lumbar reinforcement allows ample airflow and traps virtually no moisture. It's pre-shaped for a comfortable fit while also acting as a shock absorber.
Water bottle pocket oriented asymmetrically so you can easily grab your bottle on the fly. Two zippered compartments allow for easy storage of your phone, keys and snacks, and there are additional mesh pockets on the outside for quick access. Easy side adjustment of the waist belt helps ensure a snug fit and reduce bouncing when negotiating uneven ground.
The Aeon LT Hydro has a fluorocarbon-free DWR finish.
Data sheet
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