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The ACTIK CORErechargeable headlamp with 600 lumens of light output and a combined light cone is suitable for dynamic outdoor activities such as mountaineering, running or trekking.
A red light for unobtrusive illumination in nature that will not dazzle other members in the group. Comes standard with a CORE rechargeable battery and thanks to HYBRID CONCEPT technology, standard AAA/LR03 batteries (not included) can also be used. The accessories for this flashlight allow it to be used on any type of helmet, or bike.
Light mode | 3 clear, 2 red |
Illumination time | 100 h |
Range | 115 m |
Light output | 600 lm |
Weight | 88 g |
Source | Li-Ion CORE battery |
Capacity | 1 250 mAh |
Certification | CE |
Resistance | IPX4 |
Data sheet
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The Petzl Core is a 1,250 mAh rechargeable battery for Petzl Hybrid Concept headlamps.
Rechargeable headlamp weighing 80 g. Max. power 700 lm, max. range 120 m. Neutral white light. Limited edition.
Universal powerful headlamp Petzl Actik with two diodes, red light and 450 lm output. Yet it is easy to operate with one button. 5 years warranty.
Women's leather Asolo Fandango DUO GV for light trekking and wandering in nature. Nubuck with minimal seams. Waterproof Gore-Tex® membrane.
Waterproof (100% waterproof) socks with membrane and finely knitted merino wool. For activities where breathability is a priority - trail running, cycling. Height up to mid-calf.
Feather detergent. Volume 300 ml.
The Petzl Core is a 1,250 mAh rechargeable battery for Petzl Hybrid Concept headlamps.
This lightweight and versatile mid-layer is made from a unique blend of quick-drying synthetic fibres and superfine merino wool.
The Rab Phantom Pull-On is one of the lightest waterproof, membrane jackets in the world. 70 grams (size S).
High quality stainless steel thermos 0,5 l with 2 cups and 2 caps.
Rab Microlight Alpine is a durable women's down jacket with a hydrophobic goose down treatment. It is a thin, versatile and very popular down jacket that is made from recycled materials.