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The versatile "workhorse" of Rab's down collection. The Microlight Alpine down jacket is made from recycled branded Pertex Quantum 30D material, filled with high quality goose down with hydrophobic treatment, has branded YKK zippers, two classic buttoned pockets and one chest pocket. The jacket is narrower and longer than the previous model and, as is tradition with the Rab brand, has very long sleeves.
I'm sure you can buy similar, cheaper down jackets, so why Rab?
The whole trick is the Pertex Quantum material - because it's incredibly waterproof, doesn't blow out and is breathable at the same time. There are paper-warmer down jackets on the market, and certainly lighter ones, but once it blows or starts to drizzle that's it. Thanks to Pertex, the jacket lasts much longer and when it does get wet, it dries much faster than the competition thanks to the great breathability of the fabric and the hydrophobic down.
That's the main reason why the women's version was the editor's favourite in a test by a prestigious American testing website. Outdoor Gearlab. According to them, the paper jackets were warmer in the test, but in practical testing in real outdoor conditions, it turned out that the Microlight Alpine is warmer, incomparably more waterproof and significantly faster drying.
The only reason it lost out on the win was due to the higher weight. 460 grams in the men's version really isn't a top weight, but for our cause it's still an acceptable figure. Plus, high-end down jackets cost significantly more.
So the Microlight Alpinejacket doesn't excel on paper, but in practice it's a practical and, most importantly, durable helper. And that's what counts in the mountains. You can see how well Nikwax's unique hydrophobic treatment works...
Model is 173 cm and wearing a size M.
Data sheet
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