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All-leather uppers are a classic. These ones have almost no seams, so they look sleek while withstanding the harsher treatment on an alpine hike or an autumn romp on muddy trails.
Thanks to the comfortable pulley lacing, the laces will last much longer than you've been used to. They won't puncture and are easy to tighten.
The Vibram® Radiant outsole with Megagrip technology adds confidence to your stride on any surface. Even on wet rocks and on nasty descents through loose debris. And with a Gore-Tex® membrane inside, you don't have to worry about much water either. Your feet will be dry and comfortable.
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This lightweight and versatile mid-layer is made from a unique blend of quick-drying synthetic fibres and superfine merino wool.
ACTIK CORE rechargeable headlamp with 600 lumens light output and combined light cone. Easy one-button operation. 5 years warranty.
The Rab Phantom Pull-On is one of the lightest waterproof, membrane jackets in the world. 70 grams (size S).
Rab Microlight Alpine is a durable women's down jacket with a hydrophobic goose down treatment. It is a thin, versatile and very popular down jacket that is made from recycled materials.
Feather detergent. Volume 300 ml.
Waterproof (100% waterproof) socks with membrane and finely knitted merino wool. For activities where breathability is a priority - trail running, cycling. Height up to mid-calf.
Multifunctional quick-drying neck warmer.
Practical and well insulated Rab Cirrus Skirt for winter in the countryside and in the city.