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Perfect as a backup jacket for runners or day hikers. The Rab Phantom Pull-on is one of the lightest waterproof, membrane jackets in the world.
Thewomen's Phantom jacket will find its use especially with female runners, it will be great for longer runs or as a must-have for ultra races in the mountains. But it will also work very well for casual hiking on shorter trips, when you don't want to lug around your heavy waterproof jacket and need to be sure to have it in your pocket when the rain comes.
Thejacket is made from 7D Pertex Shield 2.5L stretch material, which is currently the lightest material used in the outdoor market. Thanks to the stretch, it manages to minimize bulk when packed, plus the jacket doesn't restrict active movement. It is very packable. The low grammage material used makes it clear that the jacket will not be suitable for longer treks and multi-day backpacking loads. However, with a lightweight backpack, it can definitely handle it without a problem.
The Pertex used offers full weather protection and has a water column of 20,000 mm and a vapour permeability of 20,000 g/m2/24 h.
TIP: If you're on the edge between sizes, go for the larger size. The jacket is quite snug.
This jacket is geared to be as lightweight as possible so understandably there are no pockets and the zipper is half-size, but that's enough for ventilation. The hood fits very well, with an elasticated hem and a handy peak. The sleeve cuffs are nicely extended and stretchy. The lower sides of the jacket are also stretchy and fit nicely on the body, but do not restrict movement.
The whole jacket can be packed into the included pouch and clipped anywhere by the strap.
Data sheet
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Waterproof women's jacket Rab Kinetic 2.0 with a waterproofness of 35 000 g/m2 in 24 hours. Foldable, lightweight, strong.
Ultralight backpack that fits well on the body while running and moving briskly in the mountains. It has vest-style shoulder straps and pockets that can be accessed without removing the pack. Volume 18 l, weight 550 grams.
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One of the lightest waterproof trousers in the world. Weight 72 g (size M). Unisex cut, stretch material. Great as a backup pant for a wide range of activities.
The sophisticated Rab hip belt with a 4 l capacity and its own 0.5 l bottle. Designed for hiking, Nordic walking and outdoor activities.
Waterproof (100% waterproof) socks with membrane and finely knitted merino wool. For activities where breathability is a priority - trail running, cycling. Height up to mid-calf.
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ACTIK CORE rechargeable headlamp with 600 lumens light output and combined light cone. Easy one-button operation. 5 years warranty.
This lightweight and versatile mid-layer is made from a unique blend of quick-drying synthetic fibres and superfine merino wool.
Practical and well insulated Rab Cirrus Skirt for winter in the countryside and in the city.
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Feather detergent. Volume 300 ml.
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