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From extreme to extreme. Snowshoeing, mountain climbing, challenging ascents. Go anywhere and know your feet will be warm and comfortable. These Bridgedale socks - as the successor to the MerinoFusion Summit - they guarantee it.
Merino wool and a full terry knit keep you warm and in really cold conditions. Even when your socks are wet. Thanks to the Y heel construction and the narrow women's fit, they fit perfectly to your foot and they won't budge.. So no blisters or blisters.
Durability These socks have a surprising lifespan - they'll last you for years. And thanks to the gradual tightening of each yarn and subsequent steaming during production, the socks are size stable and they don't shrink.
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Durable children's socks. Softness and comfort for young feet. Successor to the WoolFusion Trekker Junior. Classic height.
Women's socks with a looser chimney, high thermal comfort and a narrower construction for the female foot. Successor to the MerinoFusion Trekker. Classic height.
Lightweight and very compact folding camping chair. Load capacity up to 100 kg.
Bridgedale women's ultra lightweight running socks. Ankle height. Use them on mountain trails and forest trails. Excellent moisture wicking.
Women's socks with a looser chimney, high thermal comfort and a narrower construction for the female foot. Successor to the MerinoFusion Trekker. Classic height.
Lightweight women's socks for casual wear or as a base layer under other socks. Narrower construction for women's feet. Successor to the Merino Sock / Liner. Classic height.
Men's extra warm and durable socks for cold conditions. Successor to the MerinoFusion Summit. Classic height.
Stainless steel double-walled vacuum thermos with a volume of 1 000 ml with screw cap and cup.