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Go up! The ferrata, the mountain trail, with a crosse on your back. Wherever you want, wherever you want. You're only limited by your fitness. But your legs, they'll be fine. With the Bridgedale trekking socks with narrow fit specifically for the female foot.
Merino wool with Coolmax® fibre wicks every drop of sweat away from the skin and a soft knit with a looser chimney will see to your comfort throughout a day on your feet. Y heel construction ensures the socks won't budge on your foot - so forget about blisters and blisters.
Thanks to the gradual tightening of each yarn and subsequent steaming during production, the socks are size stable and will not shrink.
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Bridgedale women's ultra lightweight running socks. Ankle height. Use them on mountain trails and forest trails. Excellent moisture wicking.
Bridgedale women's ultra lightweight running socks. Ankle height. Use them on mountain trails and forest trails. Excellent moisture wicking.
Bridgedale men's running socks for cooler weather: spring, autumn, mild winter. Height above ankle. Very durable. Wearable for cooler weather: spring, autumn, mild winter.
Durable children's socks. Softness and comfort for young feet. Successor to the WoolFusion Trekker Junior. Classic height.
Women's socks with a looser chimney, high thermal comfort and a narrower construction for the female foot. Successor to the MerinoFusion Trekker. Classic height.
Bridgedale women's ultra lightweight running socks. Ankle height. Use them on mountain trails and forest trails. Excellent moisture wicking.
Bridgedale men's ultra lightweight running socks. Ankle height. Use them on mountain trails and forest trails. Excellent moisture wicking.
Women's extra warm and durable socks for cold conditions. Narrower construction for women's feet. Successor to MerinoFusion Summit. Classic height.