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Lightweight, stretchable, breathable and made from recycled materials. New generation of the popular Rab Nexus women's hoodie with hood, two pockets and long zipper. A great long-lasting functional sweatshirt for versatile year-round use.
Lightweight mid-layer with hood in an understated style and slim fit. The Nexus Hoody is a versatile essential that will keep you perfectly warm on chilly hikes, climbs, or even in the city.
It's made from 100% recycled Thermic™ G stretch fabric and is designed to regulate your temperature, dry quickly and offer increased breathability and mobility. It's perfectly suited for high-energy mountain activities where intensity fluctuates and weather changes quickly.
The soft, snug-fitting hood fits under your helmet and provides additional warmth on exposed rocks. The hoodie also features two zippered pockets with mesh lining and flatlock seams. It is extremely comfortable and can easily be combined with other layers in cold conditions.
Balancing warmth and durability with quick drying, this synthetic fleece fabric is highly effective for vigorous mountain activities. It has a mesh backing for better breathability and lighter weight.
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Bridgedale women's ultra lightweight running socks. Ankle height. Use them on mountain trails and forest trails. Excellent moisture wicking.
Breathable, windproof, solid women's pants Rab Torque. The ideal choice for 80% of outdoor activities. Recommended!
Adaptable mid-layer made from a unique blend of fine merino wool and quick-drying synthetic fibres. Successor to Alpha Flux.
Soft to the touch and naturally antibacterial, the women's Syncrino Base Tee is the ideal first layer for mountain activities, but also for everyday use.
Comfortable women's boxer shorts made of Syncrino - a blend of merino and synthetic. Quick-drying, ideal for multi-day use.
Lightweight women's trail shoes made of leather, in which you can escape from the worries of everyday life. They are waterproof, save your joints and are reliable.
The women's versatile Polartec Alpha mid-layer you won't want to miss. Thanks to the full-fibre Polygiene STAY FRESH you can wear it all the time. If you're looking for a primarily functional sweatshirt, the Alpha Flash is the right choice.
Soft to the touch and naturally antibacterial, the women's Syncrino Base Tee is the ideal first layer for all mountain activities.
Replacement boots for Nordic Walking poles. Shoes for summer use on asphalt and sidewalks.
Durable children's socks. Softness and comfort for young feet. Successor to the WoolFusion Trekker Junior. Classic height.
Comfortable men's boxer shorts made of Syncrino - a blend of merino and synthetic. Quick-drying, ideal for multi-day use.
Junior ski socks with merino wool and padding for thermal comfort and pressure distribution. Below knee height.
Waterproof (100% waterproof) socks with membrane and finely knitted merino wool. Built for places where your thermal comfort comes first. Mid-calf height.
Lightweight, running shoe covers - crampons. Weight 260 g, custom packaging. Suitable for winter running and classic hiking.