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Telescopic poles Fizan NW Lite Red consist of 3 parts. The length of the poles can be easily adjusted from 61 to 132 cm. They are compact and lightweight, together weighing only 340 g.
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The Asolo Space GV lightweight trekking shoe that lets you escape the worries of everyday life. Waterproof, joint-saving and reliable.
Nordic Walking Pole Fizan NW Speed. Foldable two-piece Nordic walking sticks.
Three-piece folding Nordic Walking poles, made of 80% carbon. One stick weighs 170 g* and can be adjusted from 56 to 130 cm.
Two-piece folding poles for Nordic Walking and Nordic Running, made of 80% carbon. One stick weighs 170 g* and can be adjusted from 110 to 140 cm.
Poles that you can use for both backpacking and Nordic Walking. The first multi-purpose poles from the Italian brand Fizan.
The sophisticated Rab hip belt with a 4 l capacity and its own 0.5 l bottle. Designed for hiking, Nordic walking and outdoor activities.
Fizan RFP folding poles for Nordic Walking. They measure only 40 cm when packed and can be adjusted in length from 110 to 135 cm. Innovative segment folding, material dural 7075.
Junior ski socks with merino wool and padding for thermal comfort and pressure distribution. Below knee height.
Waterproof (100% waterproof) socks with membrane and finely knitted merino wool. For activities where breathability is a priority - trail running, cycling. Height up to mid-calf.
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