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This lightweight Rab Aeon backpack is ready for variety. And thanks to the snug-fitting back system, it'll follow your movements smoothly as you walk, climb and bike.
From the outside, you'll securely fasten it trekking poles and a hiking axe. Stash your phone and energy bar in the zippered pockets on the flexible waistband, and tuck a wet t-shirt or sweaty gloves into the stretch compartment on the forehead. And if it starts to rain, hide the whole pack under the integrated rain cover.
TheAir Contour X™is a lightweight back system that follows the contours of your spine with a snug, flexible design that distributes the load between your shoulders and hips, adapting to your body's movements in rugged terrain. Easily adjust it to the length of your back.
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Reliable trekking poles made in Italy. Length 59 to 132 cm. Weight of one stick only 158 grams.
Small and lightweight Rab backpack with a capacity of 20 l. Weight 930 g. Sliding back and sophisticated cut. Perfect for walking, climbing and in the saddle. The cut of the backpack follows the movement of the body.
Lightweight and versatile Rab backpack with a capacity of 35 l. Weight 1,05 kg. Sliding back and sophisticated cut. Perfect for walking, climbing and in the saddle of a bike. The cut of the backpack follows the movement of the body.
Lightweight, beautifully packable jacket with Proflex 20 000 / 20 000 waterproof membrane. The Rab Downpour Light will cover a wide range of activities from day trips, VHT to climbing or ski mountaineering.
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