The fastest online shopping for outdoor gear.
Osma of the classic proven shape
If you want a specific colour, please write your chosen rappelling eye colour in the order notes.
Material: | Dural |
Weight: | 104 g |
Colour: | Various (red, yellow or titanium) |
Strength: | 25 kN |
Brand: | Singing Rock |
Data sheet
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Patented daisy chain Singing Rock Safety Chain / lightweight and high strength / 16 mm wide strap / length 120 cm / 9 and 11 stitches
Universal lightweight HMS carabiner Singing Rock Bora / screw lock / keylock / 22 mm clearance / 23 kN / 63 g
HMS carabiner with wire lock Singing Rock Bora GP / screw lock / keylock / 22 mm clearance / 23 kN / 65 g