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Go where your feet take you. And they'll take you far, you can bet on it in these Bridgedale hiking socks you can count on. They're designed to keep your feet dry and comfortable even on warm summer days.
Merino wool wicks away sweat from your skin and keeps you warm even when wet. Y heel construction makes sure the socks sit properly on your feet - so they they won't bunch up and blisters and blisters will be a new concept. Plus, these socks are narrower and specially shaped for a woman's foot.
Endurofil fiber ensures the socks' longevity. And thanks to the gradual tightening of each yarn and subsequent steaming during production, they are size stable and will not shrink.
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Women's three-season socks that will take you around the world. Thanks to special processing, they are surprisingly long-lasting.
Women's socks with a looser chimney, high thermal comfort and a narrower construction for the female foot. Successor to the MerinoFusion Trekker. Classic height.
Women's trekking socks for year-round mountain expeditions. Narrower construction for women's foot. Successor to the WoolFusion Trekker. Classic height.