![Rab Ascendor Hoody Rab Ascendor Hoody](https://iqsport.cz/64715-large_default/rab-ascendor-hoody.jpg)
![Rab Ascendor Hoody Rab Ascendor Hoody](https://iqsport.cz/64715-side_product_default/rab-ascendor-hoody.jpg)
![Rab Ascendor Hoody Rab Ascendor Hoody](https://iqsport.cz/65186-side_product_default/rab-ascendor-hoody.jpg)
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The Ascendor is designed to adapt more effectively to your performance and conditions. A medium-weight fleece with a grid backing is distributed over the torso, hips, shoulders and upper arms, and a lighter fleece with a micro-grid backing covers the mid-hood, underarms and lower arms and mid-back.
These two fabrics work differently, wicking moisture, breathing and drying faster in high temperature areas. When you're working hard, swinging on a rope with ice tools, climbing steep slopes or moving fast, the Ascendor hoodie works to regulate your temperature and keep you comfortable. So you can keep moving, make progress without stopping, and enjoy every minute.
The hood under the helmet fits snugly to your face and provides an extra dose of warmth when the wind picks up. It's stretchy and narrow so it's comfortable to wear under other gear. It's longer in the back. It has a small volume and is easy to pack. It is a dynamic layer suitable for high energy ascents.
The model measures 183 cm and is wearing size M.
Data sheet
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