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High quality rubber that adheres well to the surface. Their "tweak" is that the flat tip of the stick digs into the shoe so that the shoe is prevented from turning sideways. Appreciated by those who walk on asphalt paths.
The inner diameter is 12 mm at the edge. The inner space is shaped like a cone - it tapers. They are approximately 6 mm on the inside at the bottom.
There are two boots in the set, so the price is for a pair of boots.
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Excellent Swiss Nordic Walking poles - upper middle class. Made of 80% carbon. One stick weighs 148 g*.
Replacement tips for selected models of Nordic Walking poles KV+. Two pieces in the package.
A lightweight and very comfortable neck warmer made of structured fleece, which is warm but also wicks away sweat. One universal size.
Waterproof (100% waterproof) socks with membrane and finely knitted merino wool. Built for places where your thermal comfort comes first. Mid-calf height.
Replacement boots for Nordic Walking poles. Shoes for summer use on asphalt and sidewalks.
Replacement tips for selected models of Nordic Walking poles KV+. Two pieces in the package.
Successful sticks for Nordic Walking - medium class sticks. Made of 50% carbon. One stick weighs 140 g*. Suitable for beginners and occasional walkers.
Excellent Swiss Nordic Walking poles - upper middle class. Made of 80% carbon. One stick weighs 148 g*.
Waterproof (100% waterproof) socks with membrane and finely knitted merino wool. For activities where breathability is a priority - trail running, cycling. Height up to mid-calf.
KV+ Prestige Clip gloves for Nordic Walking and Nordic Running poles. KV+ brand.