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Simple rope with a great ratio of weight, durability and user comfort / weight 65 g/m / number of falls 9 / centre marking / length 50 m.
Want a different rope length?
Standard lengths are from 30 m to ten metres. We can make any length of rope on request. Write to usor call us (777 689 222). We will make you a customized offer.
Weight: | 65 g/m |
Colour: | Green |
Dynamic stretch: | 35% |
Number of falls: | 9 |
Diameter: | 9.8 mm |
Impact force: | 9.1 kN |
Static elongation: | 7.8 % |
All Singing Rock ropes are perfectly finished with Ultraconic technology. For the last 15 mm or so of the rope length, the core and braid are joined into one compact unit. Thermal transfer marking of the rope ends does not peel off and does not create extensions at the rope ends that can get caught when the rope is pulled off the rappel, etc.
The rope is marked in the middle of its length with a distinctive ' middle marking', a colour that does not interfere with its structure or mechanical properties.
Data sheet
Wondering if the jacket will blow?
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Ask us, we'll be happy to advise you:
Shield (rope protector) Singing Rock Defender / protects the rope against punctures and excessive wear / length 80 cm
Singing Rock M classic and proven shape / for smaller rope diameters / 25 kN / 104 g
Singing Rock Magnum refill ball in practical drawstring bag / refillable / 35 g
Simple rope with a great ratio of weight, durability and user comfort / weight 65 g/m / number of falls 9 / centre marking / length 60 m.
Want a different rope length?
Standard lengths are from 30 m to ten metres. We can make any length of rope on request. Write to usor call us (777 689 222). We will make you a customized offer.
Intuitive Singing Rock Rama belay device with increased braking effect with Oxy oval carabiner with grey twist lock. Ideal set for belaying in sport climbing and climbing single-track routes.
Comfortable short-sleeved shirt that protects, wicks moisture quickly and is lightweight. Ideal for running and fast hiking.