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Children's constantly developing feet deserve special attention. That's why these Bridgedale kids ski socks are made from a comfortable terry knit and extra padded on the top and bottom. So blisters in your skis? Utopia.
Merino wool wicks sweat away from the skin, plus keeps you warm, even when wet.. So warmth inside the skis is guaranteed.
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Spray impregnation. Volume 200 ml.
Soft to the touch and naturally antibacterial, the Syncrino Base Tee is the ideal first layer for all mountain activities.
Durable children's socks. Softness and comfort for young feet. Successor to the WoolFusion Trekker Junior. Classic height.
Waterproof (100% waterproof) socks with membrane and finely knitted merino wool. Built for places where your thermal comfort comes first. Mid-calf height.
Lightweight, stretchable, breathable and made from recycled materials. New generation of the popular Rab Nexus women's hoodie with hood, two pockets and long zipper. A great long-lasting functional sweatshirt for versatile year-round use.
Durable children's socks. Softness and comfort for young feet. Successor to the WoolFusion Trekker Junior. Classic height.
Lightweight, running shoe covers - crampons. Weight 260 g, custom packaging. Suitable for winter running and classic hiking.
Junior ski racing socks with Merino wool. Successor to the Vertige Racer Junior. Below knee height.