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Handcuffs - gloves, which will be welcomed by all athletic stick handlers, instructors, dog walkers or photographers who need to take off and put on their sticks frequently. The Click handcuffs are padded, have an excellent fit, breathable material and fit the hand perfectly. Machine washable.
The CLICK system allows you to quickly and easily remove and reattach the loop.
The price is per pair, or for two handcuffs.
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Top quality Nordic Walking poles, model 2022. The highest class of poles. Made of 100% carbon. One stick weighs 126 g*. Suitable for instructors and keen walkers.
Nordic Walking Pole Fizan NW Speed. Foldable two-piece Nordic walking sticks.
Two-piece Nordic Walking poles Fizan NW Carbon PRO. 80% carbon, length 105 - 130 cm.
Replacement boots for Nordic Walking poles. Shoes for summer use on asphalt and sidewalks.