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The handcuffs clip that will be welcomed by all Nordic Walking walkers. Universal comfortable design for those who need to take the poles off and on frequently.
The KV+ Prestige Clip handcuffs are lightly padded, have a good fit, breathable material and fit the hand very well. You can wash them in the washing machine.
Velcro fastening.
The price is for a pair, or two clips.
Data sheet
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Extra small threaded gas cartridge, 110 g.
Top quality Nordic Walking poles, model 2022. The highest class of poles. Made of 100% carbon. One stick weighs 126 g*. Suitable for instructors and keen walkers.
Bridgedale women's ultra lightweight running socks. Height above ankle. For warm days on mountain trails and forest paths. They feature great cushioning and brisk moisture wicking. Warm-weather fit.
Women's hiking socks for hot summer days that stand out on the way to the summit with targeted padding and fast moisture wicking. Ankle height.
Lightweight men's socks for hiking in warm weather. Successor to the WoolFusion Trail. Classic height.
Replacement tips for selected models of Nordic Walking poles KV+. Two pieces in the package.
Bridgedale women's ultra lightweight running socks. Ankle height. Use them on mountain trails and forest trails. Excellent moisture wicking.
Top anatomical insoles for running and sports shoes. The benefits of high quality insoles with minimal thickness. Suitable for running and sports shoes.